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Title DRY SKIN: WHAT IS IT AND HOW CAN YOU PREVENT IT? Healthier skin is the goal
Posted by jolse (ip:)
  • Rate 0points  
  • Date 2019-08-20 18:06:19
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  • Views 1638




Growing up, my mother never had the knowledge of skincare and makeup to pass down to me.  So throughout my childhood as well as my teenage years, I never washed my face properly.  Yea, I said it… NEVER.  It got to a point where I had weird bumps all over my seemingly “flawless” skin, but I knew.  My face would feel dry and tight from trying to cure those bumps with Oxy pads, which is horribly drying by the way.

In efforts to try and get rid of those bumps, I stumbled into the department store since back then, we didn’t have Sephora around.  I somehow got sucked into the Clinique counter and they did all these little “tests” with a cotton ball soaked with their toner and of course, it turns grey.  $75 and three products later, I’m religiously using the 3 step system in hopes of healthier skin.   Little did I know the gel moisturizer isn’t hydrating enough for my skin nor was the toner good for my skin since there is a high content of alcohol.


To be able to tackle dry skin, you’ll have to have a better understanding of what it is and what causes dry skin.  The definition of dry skin is when the skin can no longer retain its natural moisture and loses its ability to replenish itself. To be able to master the art of keeping dry skin at bay, you need to be able to do the following three things:

1. Fortify/ strengthen the top layer of the stratum corneum (outer layer of the dermis) by boosting ceramide levels.

2. Calm inflammation of the middle layers of the dermis while energizing skin cells to recover from damage.

3. increase microcirculation and rebuild collagen in the lower layer.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin can be caused through many variables, and these are some of the major ones you would have to assess in your lifestyle to be able to find a solution for yourself.


We already know that Ultraviolet (aka. UV rays) damage the skin by causing wrinkles, sagging, splotches, blotches, dark spots, flaking and leathery looking skin. This is what is called photoaging.  Going out into the sun unprotected, whether if it is sunbathing or just driving in your car for 15 minutes, can still cause damage to the skin and in turn, dry your already dry skin out.

    ① THANK YOU FARMER Safe Sun Fluid Age 0880 100ml

    ② ROUND LAB 365 Derma Relief Sun Cream 50ml

    ③ Real Barrier Extreme Moisture Sun Cream SPF50+ PA+++ 50ml


Aging causes a lot of changes such as noticeably dry skin, creases, and cracks.  This is because when we are aging, our bodies start to produce fewer ceramides.  Ceramides are the waxy lipid molecules that hold the skin together and forms a protective layer to prevent moisture loss as well as having anti-aging properties.


Many people, whether you have dry skin or sensitive skin, have been avoiding fragranced skincare products as well as essential oils like the plague.  Why? Both fragrance and essential oils have the ability to irritation, inflame and even give the user allergic reactions due to the nature of the ingredients.  Even if there aren’t reactions on the top layer of the dermis, they can still irritate the lower layer enough to cause collagen breakdown, which in turn speeds up your aging process while drying your skin out.


Humidity in the air of where you live is also another factor of how your skin will react to some skincare formulations.  I personally live in a climate with absolutely no humidity and we have the heater on 6 months of the year.  Whereas when I have visited Asia, a place with so much humidity that it is hard to breathe sometimes, my skin is glowing even without moisturizing.  To combat dry air, find yourself a humidifier to keep your dry skin at bay!

     ① ETUDE HOUSE Moistfull collagen cream 75ml

     ② Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Water essence 50ml

     ③ the SAEM Urban Eco Harakeke Toner 180ml


Bar soaps are usually extracted from plant or animal ingredients, resulting in a mixture called “triglycerides” which is then mixed with colorants and fragrances.  Because triglyceride is not a controlled extraction, often or not, it ends up stripping the skin’s natural oils and leaves it dry.  Those who live in the area with hard water loaded naturally with dissolving minerals, react to the soap and creates a film called soap scum.  Altogether, it just isn’t a pleasant experience, hence why bar soaps are not as popular in the modern era.


Let’s be honest, a lot of us had had a tube of St. Ives and loved it, not knowing the harm it can actually do to our precious skin.  Abrasive scrubs, whether or not it is finely milled or not, contain sharp edges that micro tears your skin. It is quite irritating on the user’s skin and if not careful, can do more harm then good.  A more gentle way to exfoliate is using chemical exfoliates such as hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, salicylic acids, AHA, BHA, PHA which all help with shedding away dead skin cells.  If you are starting off, I’d recommend using an exfoliate once a week and then go from there to build your tolerance.

     ① SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Starter Kit Edition

     ② celimax Jiwoogae Heartleaf BHA Peeling Pad 60pcs

     ③ TIAM AC Fighting AHA BHA PHA Toner 180ml


Now that you have learned a little bit of what not to do with your dry skin, I will talk more about which ingredients will work best with your dry skin in the next post as well as some products I have tried in the past that I love from K-beauty.

What are some mistakes you have done that you have learned not to do from this post?  How did your skincare journey start and how is your skin condition now?

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