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Title First Korean Eye Palette
Posted by sonniewong4 (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2016-07-19 09:39:14
  • Recommend 112 Recommend
  • Views 2123

The Etude House Play Color Eyes Juice Bar Palette is the first Korean makeup palette that I've ever owned. That being said, I was really hesitant to order this being that it was a little bit more expensive than I was used to (in my budget as a beginner in makeup). But alas, after watching so many Korean Youtuber reviews, I finally relented and gave in to my urges and bought it. To those who don't know, the Etude House Play Color Eyes line has 3 different palettes in their line so far: the Juice Bar, the Cafe one (not exactly sure of the official name), and the Ice Cream one. I bought this one because I really liked that the coral colors would fit in with the Spring and Summer seasons as it is summer right now. My first impression of the palette when I opened it was that it was much smaller than I had anticipated it to be. I knew it was going to be small, but not that small. The eyeshadow pans inside seem to be slightly smaller than the Wet and Wild eyeshadow trio pans. However, I think that the amount of eyeshadow you get is relatively enough to last quite a while.

Upon opening the palette, all of the shadows seemed to be in mint condition through the protective plastic seal except the shadow called Muscle Mania. The eyeshadow seemed to be sort of rough around the edges of the pan and I was afraid that the eyeshadow would break and fall out of the pan once I removed the plastic. Once I removed the plastic, I shook the palette, but the shadow surprisingly didn't fall out, which I was happy about. When I was swatching each of the shades, the formula seemed to be very soft and buttery. In addition, most of the shades seemed to be highly pigmented. Although I haven't officially tried it on my eyes yet, I can say that the palette is very nice and good quality. The eyeshadows also do not have an artificial smell to them, in fact, there is hardly any scent to the palette. The packaging of the palette also feels very sturdy and secure, while also being cute.

Attachment IMG_4936.JPG , IMG_4920.JPG , IMG_4921.JPG , IMG_4927.JPG , IMG_4926.JPG
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