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ProducT Forum Details
Title it's alright
Posted by xmatharo (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2016-11-19 18:31:40
  • Recommend 57 Recommend
  • Views 672

I hoped the serum would help any acne and blackheads. I have stubborn blackheads, and I don't have that much acne anymore, but it comes back once in a while. I used this for weeks to try to finish it up; it's almost impossible even when I use like 5 pumps each use. When I don't have acne, I feel like this doesn't do much. It is supposed to be antibacterial, but I don't see a difference. My blackheads just come back after a blackhead strip like normal; the serum doesn't do anything. When I do have some spots and acne, rather than seeing the cystic acne slowly disappear, it just gets worse. I thought maybe the serum would purge any acne out of the skin, but nothing happened when I didn't have acne. I didn't notice a strong smell at first (faint tea tree smell), but now after a while, it smells very wood-like, not at all like tea tree.

The mask/cream is like a moisturizer that I have been looking for. It is lightweight, feels like you have nothing on your skin, and your skin doesn't become oily in the morning (maybe a little shiny)! I actually don't mind if my skin is oily the next day (since it is overnight), but this actually lets me use this as a day cream too. I feel like this cream does actually moisturize and absorb quickly, and the more I use it, the more I feel like my skin is becoming moisturized (even after I wash it off). I know that once you wash off some creams, your skin is as dry and bad as it was before as if the cream did nothing. This one, little by little, does help my skin a lot.

Also, with the cream, the tiniest amount is enough to spread a large area. That's probably how I got away without getting an oily face since I'm using such a small amount, but if I used a larger amount, I bet my skin will be extremely moisturized. Haven't really tried this yet, but I will soon and add another review.


Serum - 1/5 or no rating, didn't do anything to my blemishes or my skin

Mask - 5/5, very moisturizing and actually makes my skin feel moisturized after I wash it off

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