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Title Beautiful Colors, Versatile! Vampire and Real Red
Posted by jumiyoung (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2015-05-13 02:49:15
  • Recommend 67 Recommend
  • Views 1027

I got the Vampire Red and Real Red colors. Let me start out by saying I LOVE the color of the Vampire Red. It is b-e-a-utiful. The Real Red is also very pretty. However, as a tint, this product is a little different. I would say that it’s more like a highly pigmented lip gloss, which is great because it’s so moisturizing, but also doesn’t last as long as some other tints. I had to play with this product a little before I figured out how to best apply it.

About the product itself: it has a nice fruity/berry smell and tastes good too. The texture is similar to lip gloss. As a result, the color is easy to wipe off and will be gone after eating or if you don’t reapply regularly. One funny thing I noticed is that if you’ve got a lot on, when it does dry it’s almost like a film dries over it which makes the color clump together, so it’s best to put some chapstick or actual lipgloss over it, which you would do with any other tint anyways.

The way I apply it took a little bit of experimenting. I pull out the wand and get most of the excess product off. Then I dab it on my lips and DO NOT TOUCH for a few seconds. Then I squeeze my lips together a bit and then dab more product on and leave it for a few seconds and then dab with my fingers until I get it where I want. I might have to do this a few times until I get the saturation I want. Some days I just want a little color so I might just dab some product on and squish my lips together and call it good. But other days I want a richer color so I have to play around. BUT, if you play around too long the product will begin to form a film and then you get small lumps. When that first happened to me I was surprised, but I just put lipgloss on and rubbed with my fingers and it was fine. Even though it sounds like a lot of work, it’s really not, and like I said the colors are absolutely beautiful. I use the Vampire Red on days when I want a sophisticated look, it’s not too bold but it is definitely noticeable.  And I use the Real Red when I want a more fresh-faced look or to just have a bit of color. I use this product often because the color is wonderful, and I honestly like the texture. Even though I have to work with it a little I still really like it.

For the pictures, the first is a bare lips picture, the second is with the Vampire Red, and the third is the Real Red. I did a bit of a lighter application for the Vampire color. Also, the Real Red picture was taken on a different day so the lighting is a bit different..and I was too lazy to put on makeup so my skin looks more uneven..hehe please don’t pay attention to that. Also, I didn’t put any gloss or chapstick on so I could show the colors with a more pure look. But once you put gloss on the color really shines and it looks very pretty.

Attachment Bare Lips (2).JPG , EH Dear Darling Tint Vamire Red.JPG , EH Dear Darling Tint Real Red.JPG
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