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ProducT Forum Details
Title Hmm..Interesting
Posted by user2889 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2014-08-12 16:53:30
  • Recommend 123 Recommend
  • Views 2260

Pros: ADORABLE packaging, natural ingredients, plastic spoon included (for hygienic purposes), noticeable improvements in my skin within the first couple of uses, slight whitening effect, isn't sticky, little goes a long way

Cons: May seem to be greasy/oily,

I have to admit, the packaging is the reason why I bought this product, it's absolutely adorable. It resembles a little oak barrel that they use to store wine, who could pass that up? :3 . The packaging is sturdy heavy plastic that is shatterproof, and a spatula (as I mentioned before) is included to keep the product hygienic.

The actual product appears creamy, but has a gel-like texture, and feels refreshing on the skin. It's not sticky surprisingly, and it absorbs into the skin rather evenly. The smell is wonderful- the best way to describe it would be that it has a grapey-winey scent that isn't obnoxiously overwhelming, or fake. I applied some on my face, right before I went to bed, and while I rinsed it off, it appeared that the purpose of a sleeping pack is to help repair your skin while you sleep, creating a "skin-barrier", and you simply rinse it off in the morning. My skin felt hydrated, plump, and although I am dark-skinned, I noticed some slight, brightening effect from using this. Overall, this product delivers its claims, and it's ridiculously affordable.

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