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Title A must-have!
Posted by user1317 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-05-06 17:46:37
  • Recommend 2 Recommend
  • Views 363

I had high hopes when I purchased Laneige's lip sleeping mask, as I have very dry and chapped lips all year round. I tried so many lip products, but not a single one seemed to help. Of course I could apply lip balm every 10 minutes to keep my lips moisturised, but I needed a better, long-lasting solution.

I stumbled upon this product, and seeing it had many great rewievs, I decided to give it a shot.

The product comes in a small sleek jar and you get a small spatula with it for application, which in return makes the application easy and hygienic. The balm itself has a pleasant yet subtle berry smell, which I really like.

I must admit that I was rather sceptical when I applied it for the night. I woke up during the night and noticed that my lips didn't feel like there was any product left on them. Instantly, disappointment washed over me and I was like, 'okay what did I even expect, a miracle?' But when I then touched my lips, they felt smooth and soft, and I noticed that the balm had formed a thin film over my lips. Upon waking up in the morning, I saw that my lips were soft and they looked well moisturised.

I was seriously impressed. Usually I wake up with dry lips, sometimes they are cracked. But this time it was different.

I even started using the lip balm during the day, and guess what? I only have to apply it twice or three times a day to keep my lips moisturised (the balm lasts a long time on the lips), unlike with other lip balms where hourly reapplication is inevitable.

People with dry and chapped lips should definitely give this product a try!

I'm definitely going to repurchase it! I'm so glad I tried this out.

Attachment Screenshot 2017-05-06 10.09.08.png
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