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Posted by 10206774999612430@f (ip:)
  • Rate 2points  
  • Date 2017-10-24 01:02:52
  • Recommend 1 Recommend
  • Views 382

So my expectations were HIGH for this cleansing balm. It was my first cleansing balm, but I had read so much about cleansing balms in general, and especially this one. This one has an alright price so I thought I'd give it a try.

Before buying a cleansing balm, I usually cleans ALL my make-up (foundation, lips, eyes) with a usual "western" make-up remover from L'oreal (the blue one for eyes and lips) with a cotton pad or two and then used a normal cleanser. My expectations with the cleansing balm was that I would be able to stop using the make-up remover from L'oreal and only use the cleansing balm for all the make-up and then the normal cleanser. HOW WRONG I WAS. The cleansing balm does NOT easily cleanse eye make up, and I only wear mascara, some light/brown eyeshadow and maybe some eyeliner on a daily basis, but it does NOT cleanse it well, not as well as using the make-up remover from L'oreal. For the foundation, I think the cleansing balm cleanses it quite good.

Now let's talk about getting the cleansing balm OFF YOUR FACE. As you hopefully know, it contains oils which makes it really difficult for only water to wash it off - as it says on the packaging, that it can be removed by just water, WRONG. Or I mean sure, you can, but it takes a lot of time and you have to cleanse it off with water over and over again. Actually, the quicker you skip to the next cleanser the better - because those cleansers can remove oil which simply water can not.

I also tried doing as some suggest, using a make up wipe and wipe the cleansing balm off - I did not like that method either, and it's like an extra step in the routine.

So today I use the make-up remove from L'oreal with one cotton pad to remove the make-up from the eyes, and then I use the cleansing balm to remove any left on the eyes and the foundation. It works fine.

But will I repurchase? I doubt it, however I might try another cleansing balm the next time. This time was a disappointment.

Attachment IMG_0071.JPG , IMG_0079.JPG , IMG_0072.JPG
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