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Title Great substitute for Benzoyl Peroxide
Posted by luzdelalun (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2018-05-08 19:42:50
  • Recommend 33 Recommend
  • Views 491

My last tube of my staple benzoyl peroxide cream has been languishing in the corner of my bathroom since I got this answer to my long quest: what can I substitute it with?
Benzoyl peroxide has worked great for me in the past, but not so much any more as I get older and after years of hitting my skin with drying bp & exfoliants. My skin is prone to acne, redness and dehydration.

This Tota-S 3.0 treatment has fulfilled my expectations:
- non-drying (at least not as much as BP)
- calming and healing (I really appreciate the inclusion of ingredients such as centenella asiatica and panthenol)
- seems to carry out it's antibacterial effect as well as my previous BP treatment.

I still get breakouts, but they are much more manageable and my skin overall feels more resilient and fast-healing. Redness also has seemed to have been brought down. I'm not sure the extent to which it has has contributed to lightening old acne marks (I use niacinamide in other products) but marks don't stick around that long in conjunction with my other products.

The treatment itself is a light and cool-textured gel that sinks into the skin very fast and lets me carry on with my routine, which I greatly appreciate.

The packaging is a sturdy tube that is easy to lug around, with a nice, simple design.

There is only one small con: the smell may be bothersome to some as it's a very earthy, natural smell, but it dissipates quickly, and doesn't bother me personally. I appreciate the omission of fragrance and this is a thumbs-up for me.

Overall, I feel that it's been a great addition to my skincare regimen and I am planning to repurchase, highly recommend to try for those that have acne problems.
Attachment IMG_5808.jpg , IMG_5809.jpg
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