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ProducT Forum Details
Title Difficult to use but lasting color (PK01 Rose Pink review)
Posted by amdrisc (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2015-11-16 07:40:04
  • Recommend 69 Recommend
  • Views 1093

I think this is a divisive product. Some people may find the application process too long and unwieldy; others may find it's worth the wait for the long lasting color. Personally, I'm in the latter camp. Other tints refuse to stay on my top lip, but this stains so well. It lasts through drinking and eating as long as you don't eat anything too greasy. It fades evenly -- PK01 starts out a hot pink and fades away to a lighter pink. The edges last a bit longer than the center of your lip, but in my experience I get about five hours of wear before it's too uneven and I need to reapply. You need to squeeze a lot of product on your lips to get a good staining, but there's not much product in the tube, so I feel it's kind of expensive for how many wears you can get. It's also not a tint you can easily reapply on the go.

Here are some hints to get the best results:

  1. Work one lip at a time. I usually start with the bottom and then do the top
  2. Squeeze the tube slowly and with even, steady pressure. Work from the center of your lip and push the product out towards the edges.
  3. Put on a thick coating. You can't just apply the same amount as you would a normal lip gloss. You need to coat your lips so there is enough to pull off when it dries. Your lips should look super glossy and wet.
  4. Leave your lips slightly apart for the 10 minutes it takes to dry. This will ensure the centers of your lips stain well.
  5. Peel from the edge of your lip to the middle. If you have trouble peeling it, next time apply more product.
  6. When your tint wears down or if it faded unevenly, reapply a normal tint in a similar color over top. It will blend well.
Overall, I like this tint for occasions when I need staying power and can't reapply my lip tint often. Someone who doesn't have problems with normal tints not staying may find this product is pointless, but people whose top lip refuses to accept tint may find this a lifesaver.
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