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ProducT Forum Details
Title Holika Holika Aloe Waterproof Sun Gel Review
Posted by mart805216104 (ip:)
  • Rate 3points  
  • Date 2018-08-12 13:29:42
  • Recommend 9 Recommend
  • Views 2393

So, I bought this sunscreen because the larger size (100 ml vs the usual 50-70ml size) appealed to me. At first use, it definitely felt soothing. I always felt a cooling sensation when I put this on, especially considering the temperature outside was increasing. I am an acne-prone oily, skinned young woman, that experienced no adverse reactions to this sunscreen. The smell was a little off putting at first because it smells kind of like mosquito spray, but I enjoy the smell now. At first I hated it because it left my skin oily, and with the summer coming, this would just make my oily skin look even more oily. So, I stopped using this and gave it to my mother. Then it so happened that I ran out of my other sunscreen, and was forced to go back to this one. The second time around, like I mentioned, the smell appealed to me but it still leaves that oily kind of look, which I hate, but left no white-cast, which I absolutely hate even more. I worked in an occupation this summer that would result in me sweating all day. I was never able to prove if it was sweat proof, but it did prove to be water resistant when tested on my hand. Thus I can conclude this sunscreen is safe for acne prone skin, darker skin tones, and water related activities but also not recommendable for oilier skin types, especially in the summer. Do keep in mind that everyone's skin is different and everyone reacts differently to products. Nonetheless, I prefer a large bottle of sunscreen instead of a small one, for the obvious reason that it lasts longer, and would only repurchase this in the circumstances that it was on sale, and for the sole purpose of using on the body.

Attachment Holika Holika Aloe Soothing Essence (Waterproof).jpg
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