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Title Love it! New favourite stain!
Posted by amphetamine (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2019-02-17 09:32:16
  • Recommend 9 Recommend
  • Views 394

To start, I have dry and sensitive skin with patches of eczema that are mostly under control. Many products irritate my skin and give me eczema breakouts, ESPECIALLY around my mouth and on my lips. There are literally 2 or 3 types of lip balm that don't do this to my lips.

 I've tried a few other tints before, including a Wet 'n Wild balm stick that is highly rated and the cult-fav Benefit tint. They both left me disappointed. I didn't find the Benefit one had very good staying power and left my lips feeling flaky after a few hours (even with a great balm on top) and while the WNW one had amazing staying power, this one also left my lips peeling. They both took an entire day of 2 of constantly applying moisturizer and sealing it in with Vaseline to recover from a stain.

That being said, I really wanted to find a stain  that worked for me because I live in Canada and it is cold as hell here which = constant nose blowing for about 6 months of the year, so no lipstick in the winter. Sometimes I just need some colour to look alive and feel good.

This stuff rocks. It goes on pretty thick and then dries down to a thinner sort of lip gloss that feels like a thick chapstick and not goopy. To test it out I put it on and then ate breakfast, then wiped the rest off half of my mouth so you can easily compare the product colour to the stain colour (the 4th photo; left side of the picture/right side of my face is wiped off). It leaves a ton of colour behind so even if you eat a big sloppy meal, you still have lip colour! So impressed! I took these photos in natural light to try to give the most honest impression of what it looks like. This is the only make-up I have on enthuse photos. I will for sure be getting another darker one to try out.
Attachment IMG_1971.jpg , IMG_1972.jpg , IMG_1973.jpg , IMG_1974.jpg
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