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Title cute and works well!
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-02-19 01:31:28
  • Recommend 89 Recommend
  • Views 1459

I bought this foundation brush because of the many glowing reviews I had read and watched about it. I primarily bought this to go with the two BB cakes I bought, and it did help greatly in making those two foundations have a more even finish.

It works really well, and helps to make cream foundations and thicker foundations blend in very nicely. It can apply a bit streaky if you're not careful, and if your foundation consistency is too thick, you just have to carefully blend to achieve a smooth finish. It is very easily to use and does its job well. However, I don’t find myself reaching for this very often because I guess I just prefer using my fingers to spread on liquid foundation, or use my beauty blender, which are both faster to use than this. This brush, like all brushes, get dirty from foundation on the bristles easily and takes a long while to dry, in contrast to say, a beauty blender which needs to be used damp anyways and you wouldn’t need to wait for it to dry after washing it before applying makeup. As someone who likes to have very clean fingers or very clean brushes/sponges when putting on foundation or BB cream, the constant need to wash the brush (especially since it’s quite small), is a bit more of a hassle for me than I’d prefer (I guess I’m just lazy when it comes to brushes. argh). 

Other than my own laziness, this is a very good brush for its price, and if you prefer using brushes for your makeup application, this is great. It’s cutely designed and is easy to use (it feels awkward at first, because of its toothbrush shape). It even comes with an interchangeable sponge head, which you can switch out the bristle head for if you prefer using the sponge. The bristles are very soft and should not irritate sensitive skin (hasn’t irritated mine). Cute and functional brush— many say it is on par with the much more expensive versions of these “toothbrush brushes” from other higher-end brushes ;) 

Attachment Etude House Brush.jpg
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