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Title sadly did not work for me :(
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 3points  
  • Date 2016-02-19 02:11:00
  • Recommend 84 Recommend
  • Views 784

I bought this after reading Heiley’s review on this. I’ve wanted to try BB cakes for a long while now since I haven’t really tried them before, and this one looked really moisturizing and promising. According to many reviews I’ve read, it seems that The Saem BB cake shades run on the light side, and they always suggested to choose a shade darker than normal. Since my skin is fair but not really white, I opted to get shade no.2 Natural Beige for fear of getting a shade too light. Well… the brightness of the BB cake shade is not too bad, but somehow I think shade no.1 could have worked well too (I am between NC15-NC20 in MAC). But... this shade no.2 is pink-based. It looks so odd on me. My skin leans on the more yellow or olive-neutral side, and foundations that lean pink look bad on me. I don't like wearing this out of the house for that reason, but for it to not go to waste, I think I could adjust it a bit by dusting it with a powder that suits my skin more. I've also used this on my mother who has pink undertones in her skin, and it looks much more natural on her.

In addition to that, to me, this product is a little hard to apply. I don’t have troubled skin, and my skin is smooth and has no major blemishes, and I always do proper skincare before applying my makeup, but this is hard to get to look nice and smooth on my skin. Applying it with the included air puff is okay but is really not the best method for its consistency, I think is best done with a brush or beauty blender (and I think even fingers can be better!). I’ve applied it with Etude House’s Secret Brush 121 Skin, which is the one that looks like a toothbrush and it greatly improves the application, but it is still not the smooth flawless finish that I am used to with my liquid foundations and BB creams.

The product feels super moisturizing in the pan, but the finish is a little dry and it will emphasize any dry spots you may have. I think it is best to mist your face with a facial spray to make it look less dry after application. Also, be careful to not apply too much, as it will cake. It doesn’t last too long, and feels a bit heavy on my skin. Coverage is so-so, not too bad, but not great either. In a few hours, this makes my face shiny.

In all, I'm not too happy with this foundation and the other Eco Soul BB cake from the same brand (I’ll post a review for that too), especially since it’s not exactly really inexpensive at nearly $20. However I do like this one better than the Eco Soul BB cake in terms of its finish. I guess it just doesn’t work on my skin type, and my skin color. I wish that some Korean brands would be more accurate with the color swatch photos and color names for their products, as the photos for the shades weren’t very accurate and the shade could have been more appropriately named “pink beige” rather than “natural beige”. That’s the tough thing about having to order these online I guess >__<; 

I personally can’t recommend this BB cake due to my own experience, but if cream foundations and other BB cakes work for you, and if your skin tone leans pink, then try this if you’d like.

Attachment The Same Eco Real Serum.jpg , The Saem Eco Real Serum open.jpg
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