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Posted by numnums (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-03-03 05:50:48
  • Recommend 98 Recommend
  • Views 1313

Long story short: This A-Sol works wonders!!! Clears present acne super fast. Stops new acne in its tracks. Also took care of my peeling problem!

Okay so for reference I have combination skin: an oily T-zone and a super-dry chin area that was always peeling no matter how much I try to moisturize it. My skin is also very sensitive and easily irritable. And lastly for the cherry on top I have recurring acne... except only on my chin area... yeah I know that's weird. So in come this COSRX A-Sol that I stumbled upon while checking out this website. After reading so many good reviews about how its a holy grail product for acne, it saved people's skin, etc. I figured heck why not and and so I ordered it. The day it arrived I was having one of my worst breakouts ever on my chin... there were four pimples that were really close together and so somehow it literally turned into this one huge, disgusting, inflamed, Mount Everest of a pimple... before using this A-Sol I was using a prescription strength ointment for my acne but it was doing absolutely nothing to my Mount Everest except probably irritate it even more. So perfect time to put this A-Sol to the test!!! I was planning on taking a before and after picture but I figured using it once wasn't gonna do anything, so I dabbed some on on Mount Everest before going to sleep. The next morning I was literally staring at myself in the mirror since I was so amazed! Mount Everest was reduced to half its height and was not as inflamed anymore! Super excited about this, I put some on that morning and then again that night. I kid you not Mount Everest was gone within the third day!!! Like you would have never guessed that monstrosity of a pimple was on my face literally only a couple of days before! Another thing that I loved about it was it was not drying at all!!! Boy would it have been a disaster if it was especially since my chin area was like the Sahara desert to begin with... Speaking of dryness, I also mentioned how I was having peeling problems on my chin before but that seriously went away after using this A-Sol! It got rid of all the peeling, dead skin cells once and for all! Nowadays I always use it on my chin area (only at night though) as a preventative measure for my acne and also to control dead skin cells on my chin!

Final notes: it can burn a bit but it does go away after a while!

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