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Title unfortunately... not so great for me >
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 2points  
  • Date 2016-03-22 07:30:55
  • Recommend 84 Recommend
  • Views 1319

Somehow, it seems that many beauty products that work amazingly for most people do not work well for me at all. I bought this primer/base makeup hoping that it would make my face look more smooth and flawless, almost as if it were photoshopped, like how nearly all the reviews I read about this product had said.

However, I find that this doesn’t work for me at all. I don’t see any difference in the smoothness of my makeup, it looks almost the same as when I don’t have this on. Actually, I think this makes my makeup application look more dry... when I put this on before my makeup, it clings onto dry patches I didn’t know were there (even after proper skincare and moisturizing!) and it makes my makeup look slightly dry and streaky. it also has a very slight pink tint to it, so with my skin that is olive-neutral toned that leans yellow, the pinkness makes the color of  my face a little off. And, weirdly enough, even if this makes my makeup application more dry and powdery, after an hour or two, this makes my face really shiny... like it somehow makes my skin oil up a lot. I usually just have some shininess on my nose after about 4 hours, but this accelerates the oiliness and makes me shiny all over my face in even less time. 

I hate to complain so much about this product, but I just don’t have a good experience with this product. I also felt like this made my makeup adhere to my skin less— my makeup would come off at the slightest touch, which doesn’t usually happen with my makeup by itself. And, like I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t do anything to help make my skin look any smoother. Given, I don’t have visible pores and my skin is already quite smooth by itself, so maybe that is why I don’t see any good difference. I guess this is only good for those who have a lot of visible pores, maybe it’ll help more in that department. This also has quite a strong baby powder scent that lasts a very long time (think: hours)... which might be a plus for some, but for someone like me who has a sensitive nose, it isn’t too great.

The packaging is really cute, I really love the design and almost iridescent peach color of the bottle, but I’m also wondering if I got a faulty bottle. Is the bottle supposed to have a straw on the inside to suck the product into the pump? Mine doesn’t have one, and I’m wondering if that is why the product doesn’t pump out smoothly. It kind of.. spurts out in uneven globs. This bottle doesn't stand upside down like the Etude House BB creams whose pumps don't have straws. If this bottle was designed to be stored upside down, it would make more sense. Perhaps this is a vacuum-pump type of bottle... but I'm not sure. It seems like I have such bad luck with this product, even with the packaging... ^^; 

I’ll give this product a few more tries, otherwise, I’ll probably give it away to a friend whose skin might work better with this, as I just can’t see myself using this regularly. I really wish I tried the sample packet of this product that I received in a previous order before buying this, so I wouldn’t have wasted my money on this. I cannot personally recommend this product based on my personal experience, but if you are interested in this and think it’ll work for you based on what other reviews have said, go ahead and try it out. 

Attachment EH Beauty Shot Face Blur 1.jpg , EH Beauty Shot Face Blur 2.jpg , EH Beauty Shot Face Blur 3.jpg
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