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ProducT Forum Details
Title Etude House AC Clinic Intense Extractor Review
Posted by magdalena01 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2015-02-15 21:16:22
  • Recommend 120 Recommend
  • Views 1672

First of all, the product arrived in perfect condition, wrapped nicely, quite quickly and accompanied by a bunch of free samples :) So, I am very very pleased and happy about Jolse's service.

Now, on to the product itself.

Since I have problematic skin and some blackheads, I wanted something to get rid of them safely without damaging my skin. I am not a fan of the peel-off nose masks that can actually be quite damaging to the skin and cause enlarged pores if used repeatedly and continuously.

So I've decided to get an extractor.

The Etude House AC Extractor comes with two different ends, I've included pictures of both.

Personally, I prefer using the larger side, it feels less damaging and yet it does its job.

This has helped my blackheads a lot, and it works best if used after a shower and after steaming your face to open up the pores.

However, you should not use it too often (I plan on using it every 2 weeks or so, or when my skin feels in need of deep cleaning).

It is quite a standard extractor, I personally don't feel it's particularly different from all the other on the market,

but that being said: it's still awesome. Does it's job and it's quite easy to use.

The only thing I disliked about this was the price - when you come to think of it, you're paying 8 dollars for a tiny piece of metal.

But I just went ahead and bought it, since it's not available in my country any other way and I couldn't find any for a significantly lower price.

All in all, I gave it 5 stars since it really does what it's intended to.

Attachment IMG_20150128_150850.jpg , IMG_20150128_150858.jpg , IMG_20150128_150911.jpg
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