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Title THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
Posted by jolse (ip:
  • Rate 0points  
  • Date 2016-10-26 11:07:25
  • Recommend Recommend
  • Views 1252

REVIEW on the SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher



Nowadays, it seems like every brand has its own cushion blusher.

They are so commonplace.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


the SAEM came up with a new Asian Fit Lineup,

and under it, they created a sub-lineup titled THE HAM.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


Let's look at its cushion blusher first.


It comes in three colours.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


The cushion case is small and cute.

It has a very clean, modernist design.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


It has a small puff.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


It's a standard-looking puff.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


It's a cushion type,

so there is an inner seal.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


Colour test.


From left: OR01 Twenties Orange, PK01 Twenties Pink, PP01 Twenties Lavender


Very soft-looking colouration.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


OR01 Twenties Orange.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


It's rather subtle,

very natural.


That twenties-looking youth?


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


PK01 Twenties Pink


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


It's lighter than I thought,

and doing it multiple times really didn't make it more visible.


But I think it's overall not bad at all.

And I think the photo isn't doing it the justice because of the lighting.


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


PP01 Twenties Lavender


THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review
THE SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher review


This one really, REALLY is hard to make it visible.

Lavenders usually have good colouration,

but not this one.

The more time I apply it,

it just demolishes the base makeup

and the colour isn't as strong as I would like it to be.


If the colour was like on the colour test I did on my arm,

it would've been great, but that wasn't the case sadly.


But it does have subtle overall changs to your appearance.

The colours make you paler, softer?


There is a change, it's just hard to figure out where that changes are.

I think that's the best way to describe this product.



The moisturization is great,

but the colours aren't.


If this was going for the natural-looking, subtle colours,

I would understand;

but this wasn't.


I guess the subtle colours do have their merits,

and I think this is great for people who wanted to try blushers

but was not sure whether they will do well with it.


I mean, you can't really fail when the colours are barely noticeable.


I think the subtle colours look better in reality,

but I don't think the camera could capture that subtle changes.


I recommend the pink colour.


Lavender is..... not recommended.


the SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher 10ml

the SAEM THE HAM Cushion Blusher 10ml

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