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Title Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Posted by jolse (ip:
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  • Date 2017-04-07 15:19:14
  • Recommend Recommend
  • Views 1584

REVIEW on Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo


I've occasionally encountered people who always did the under eye make-up because they thought it was important.

I never thought it would be so important, but after I gave a go for it, now I feel awkward without it.

I guess the under eye make-up does make your face look more vital.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


The box is quite simple.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


The thick body.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


This is a two-type duo pencil, and it is written on the side which end has which.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


There is a lighting highlighter and a shading shaping pencil.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


The amount should be enough at least for a while.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review



The highlighter is soft and would give more volume.

A line drawn with the shaping pencil looked like that of a eyeliner, but after smudging it, it became a color fit for shading.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


Let's try the under eye make-up now.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


I tried to mark the area to do the make-up by forcing the not-existing under eye out to make it visible.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


I applied the highlighter first.

People without under eye should try to smile or open your eyes wide to force your under eye out.

After applying the highlighter, shade with the shaping pencil.

It could be too line-like or dark when drawn straight up, so apply lightly as if your coloring something.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


Make-up done!

The shaping pencil might not look like it has done a significant effect, but you can see the shading effect when compared to the highlighted one.


Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review
Son & Park Plumping & Shaping Pencil Duo review


Can you see the difference?

My eyes look big and fresh.

Both pencils were natural and great for blending.

It started to clutter up in my eye wrinkles after a few hours.

It wasn't much, so people who don't have much wrinkles around their eyes might not have a problem with it.

The highlighter was also natural and pretty on other spots, while the shaping pencil was great for shading the nose and the eyes.

With the smooth texture and the blending capability, it would be recommended to the 'under eye make-up' people.


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