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Title lovely hydrating toner
Posted by floette (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-04-17 01:07:25
  • Recommend 55 Recommend
  • Views 816

my skin is dry and easily dehydrated, and so hydrating toners are a great help to keep my skin from getting thirsty during the day. SkinFood's products always feel and smell so fresh, so i was excited to purchase one from them.

this toner actually really surprised me in the sense that it's actually quite a bit thicker than water, despite the product title. the consistency is hard to explain and i couldn't really capture it in a picture, but it's kind of like Jell-O before it's hardened in the fridge. it makes it feel just a bit more moisturizing than a completely watery toner, and it doesn't try to escape my palms when i dispense it. and just as i expected, it has that nice and fresh SkinFood scent to it. i find that this toner really does help keep my skin hydrated during the day. i've noticed significantly less dry patches, and it doesn't take a lot of effort to use.

 the packaging is super cute but may inconvenience some people. it doesn't have a pump or nozzle, just a hole you shake the product out of, so be sure to be careful when using it! the jar is a good size though, and you get a lot of product. plus it's seriously so darling to look at...

overall i'm really happy with this, and i'll probably repurchase unless they come out with something new that catches my attention! i really recommend it.

Attachment IMG_7125.JPG , IMG_7130.JPG
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10179 lovely hydrating toner Popular messageFile attachment floette 2016-04-17 01:07:25 816

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