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ProducT Forum Details
Title petitfee soap
Posted by urielh (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-04-18 03:37:26
  • Recommend 101 Recommend
  • Views 1397

Really good face soap. The scent was quite parfumy whe I opened the packet and I was affraid I wouldn't like it since I don't like perfumy stuff on my face, but the smell is not bad. It smeels really nice and flowery and it doesn't stick too much to the skin, so you can smell it and them forget about it. So it's ok, even for people who are very sensitive to smells and perfumes like I am. I actually grew fond of the smell now^^

I put it in a little hermetic plastic container and I use it with my Konjac sponge once a day (I don't use product twice a day to wash my face as it makes my skin more oily. Not only this product, but all the soaps in general. I use the soap at night with konjac sponge and in the morning I just wash with clear water and a natural marine sponge.

This petitfee soap leaves the skin very soft and not dry (I was affraid of that at first since I use minimal soap product on my face). It gives a very soft and abondant foam (no need to use too much or you will have to fight the bubble so they don't enter your nose! :D) so really a liiiiiiiiittle is enough!

I only used it for a week so I can't say the benefits on a long term but I do feel that my skin is clearer/luminous and looks better and healthier. the thing is that I started to use a konjac sponge at night for the first time at the same time I started the soap one week ago...So is it the soap? is it the konjac sponge? is it the both of them combined together, that makes my skin look better....?! hmmm can't tell sorry! But overall I'm happy about this product and I will probable buy it again! It's not very expensive and you don't feel your skin tingle and dry after the use, so that nice! I still use a cream for hydratation at night after.

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