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Title what the hell.
Posted by vcxz1zxcv (ip:)
  • Rate 1points  
  • Date 2015-01-31 13:28:29
  • Recommend 153 Recommend
  • Views 1361

The inside of the tomato pack came out, and so did the apple cream. I cannot trust you guys.The other tomato pack that I bought together was in the shipping box and it was totally fine. So it's not about how the handling was. The tape for tomato pack was scotch tape which is not the tonymoly company tape, which means someone opened the product, you guys closed it with scotch tape, and sold it to me. are you fucking serious. And this is not the 1st time, I just let it go when this happened last time, this is ridiculous.

한국어 하세요? 이거 중고나라에서 구입하셨어요?ㅋㅋㅋ 원래 한국 제품보다 더 비싸게 파는 건 이해하겠는데요 (2 +1은 개뿔, 지금 저 가격으로 실제로 한국에서 구입하면 4개는 사겠네 )ㅋㅋ 그럼 제대로 된 상품을 주셔야지 왜 누가 한 번 열었던 걸 주세요? 호갱님은 떠납니다.

Attachment 20150130_124144.jpg , 비누.png
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  • vcxz1zxcv 2015-01-31 13:29:24 1points
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    Spam 그리고 애플 크림 박스는 어디다 버리셨길래 ㅋㅋ;
    where the hell is the box for apple cream?
  • jolse 2015-02-02 12:46:24 3points
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    Spam Hello,
    First of all, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience.

    We bring all Tonymoly items from Tonymoly store directly every day so we never sell old/used items to customers.
    Sometimes the particular item 'Tomatox pack' leaks often in a certain period of time(we don't understand the reason) and we had a few cases of leaking problem recently.
    So nowadays we open the plastic box, tighten the cap(never open cap) and attach an extra scotch tape again over it.
    Although it is inconvenient to our staffs and it needs more care but we are doing the procedure to prevent more leaking accident. So please do not consider the item as a 'used/opened item' becuase of additional scotch tape.
    Regaring the Apple cream you mentioned on reply, we are selling cosmetic items for 5 years but the apple creams never been contained in a box package and it was not renewed during 5 years. I guess you are confused it with another item.

    As you said, we admit there are a few items on 2+1 event section which have been selling more expensive than price for 2 pieces. Item price includes international shipping cost and we hope you can understand the circumstand.
    Though we are doing our best to offer you best price and service.

    Once again, we apologize and we will compensate for the inconvenience you had. Also we added reward point on this review.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    안녕하세요 고객님!
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    그리고 저희가 5년째 화장품을 전문적으로 판매하고 있는데 토니모리 애플크림 종류들은 원래부터 박스에 들어있지 않습니다. 리뉴얼 된 부분도 아니라서 아마 다른 제품과 착각하시는게 아닌가 합니다.

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