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ProducT Forum Details
Title Weird But Good
Posted by alopez95 (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2016-06-11 12:40:25
  • Recommend 93 Recommend
  • Views 1379

If the cute pig packaging doesn't make you want to hand your money over, you're lying to yourself.

I got this for my mom as she wanted a moisturizer for her aging skin. We joked about the product but then she had me actually order this since it intrigued her enough. This product doesn't only seem interesting but it is interesting!

The product is this jelly, gooey texture, that kind of reminds me of gravy when you've let it sit in the refrigerator; definitely not the best first impression, hahaha. It's really squishy and when you use your spatula to take out product, the cream starts to reshape itself in the empty space left behind. It's quite fascinating to watch.

The jelly cream has a very strong perfume smell that bothered me, but my mom didn't find it too overwhelming. If you have sensitive skin the fragrance could possibly irritate your skin so be careful about that. I don't have sensitive skin but the strong smell made me hesitant about applying the cream. Thankfully, it caused no breakouts!!

One scoopful of the product, using the provided spatula, is enough for the face, you may need more for the neck area. It does add slight hydration but for those with more dry skin you may need to apply another moisturizer on top or add more product. The cream is a little tacky once it's applied but the tackiness does go away as it settles. I haven't noticed dramatic results with my slight laugh line wrinkles but I wasn't expecting any for a product that I haven't used for over a year. There is some slight firming but nothing dramatic or crazy.

Overall a good moisturizer to use during the day and at night, especially as a layering product. If the smell was a lot less strong I would give it a 5 star rating. I will repurchase once the container is empty!

Attachment rsz_20160610_202332.jpg , rsz_20160610_202355.jpg , rsz_20160610_202426.jpg , rsz_20160610_202445.jpg , rsz_20160610_202503.jpg
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