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ProducT Forum Details
Title Sheer-Med Everyday Cushion
Posted by santilife13 (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2016-06-19 16:13:26
  • Recommend 121 Recommend
  • Views 1524

Great for a natural, dewy finish. The coverage is sheer, but can be built up for a medium coverage. If redness and blemishes are a problem, you will need concealer to cover them in addition to this concealer. Can be easily set with powder, but be careful when applying over multiple layers--this cushion has the tendency to settle into fine lines, wrinkles, and dry patches.

Very hydrating! For a person with oily skin during the summer, I'm impressed with how long this cushion stays on. I set it with the Innisfree No Sebum Mineral powder which I think helps. If not, my nose and other oily spots can get pretty patchy. During application, the puff can be a little frustrating too because the edges sometimes "pull" off the makeup. I'm not sure if it's just the puff, or something to do with my skin type and the formula, but after being set with powder, this base is pretty much set on my face for the rest of the day.

There is a very strong... herbal scent that seems to come with most Innisfree products. I find it kind of nice, but if scents bug you, I'd suggest finding another cushion because the smell on this product tends to linger for a long while.

Some have complained that this product was too light for their skin, but I don't think this cushion is anywhere near as bright as some of the Etude House BB creams I've used in the past. I actually wish this cushion was lighter. I'm really, really pale (NW10/NC15)... so I purchased this cushion in the shade #13, which is still slightly too dark for my skin tone, even during the summer.

Despite its flaws, its one of my favorite cushions (second to Pony Effects Everlasting Foundation Cushion--Fair shade, which matches my skin perfectly). I'll be purchasing a refill soon.

Attachment Innisfree.JPG , Innisfree_pkg3.JPG , Innisfree_swtch.JPG , Innisfree_swtch2.JPG , Innisfree_swthglow.JPG
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