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Title a decent powder
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-07-18 07:32:08
  • Recommend 108 Recommend
  • Views 1425

note-- for some reason, the website isn't allowing me to attach any photo to my review ㅠㅠ I've tried numerous times on multiple days, and it still won't let me. sigh. So, this time, no photo for my review.

I’ve read reviews that this doesn’t make skin super matte, but leaves a natural satin finish, so just partially-matte. I liked the idea and thought it would work for me, since I don’t like the look of flat-matte skin. It did give a matte look, and since it has a bright peach color and minuscule (barely visible) shimmers, it does give a radiant look.. but when it mattifies my face, the powder is visible if I’m not careful with the application, and makes my skin look a little dry, not matte. I guess the powder particles are a bit bigger than I’m used to, since the Innisfree No-Sebum powder that I usually use has extremely fine particles and is invisible on my skin. However, the slightly dry feeling this gives can be remedied by using a moisturizing facial spray.

After about three to four hours in an air-conditioned environment my nose gets a bit shiny with this powder. I’m not sure how much it would help on a full hot day outside, but I’m guessing its mattifying powers aren’t very strong by the way it performs indoors. For me, at the end of the workday my nose is oily, but not excessively so. So if you’re looking for a powder that stays matte all day, this isn’t it. I can’t really criticize this powder for that, since it’s not advertised to be a mattifying powder (the Dear Girls Oil Control Pact would probably be a better choice for that), but the color of this one seemed more promising.

The bright peach color it is advertised to have is more of a bright apricot sort of color, so it leans a little pink. It is a bit lighter than Etude’s product photos of it. My skin is between NC15-NC20 in MAC and I usually wear a no.21, and it works fine for me. I’m not sure how it would work with people who use no.23, but I think it would be okay… however, if you are darker than a no.23 in Korean makeup shades, this may look a little ashy on you if you apply too much. 

The packaging is tiny and sturdy and holds a decent amount of powder and a little mirror. It’s cute, but I personally find the design a bit too cutesy for my taste, even though I love cute things. I kind of have the feeling it’s like a little girl’s play-makeup because of the packaging, and not in a good way.. but I still use it anyways. I honestly miss Etude’s old powder pact packaging. I adored their Dream On Slim & Cover pact, and I wish they would bring it back!

In all, this is a very ordinary powder, and not something I would buy again. It’s decent, but I think I’ll try other powder pacts to see if I’ll like them better. I’ll use up this one that I have, since it would be a waste not to. Even though it doesn’t blow me away, I do like its color and how it’s easy to use, and its small size makes it easy to bring around. 

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14086 a decent powder Popular message raindrop 2016-07-18 07:32:08 1425

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