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ProducT Forum Details
Title Affordable and Decent
Posted by alopez95 (ip:)
  • Rate 3points  
  • Date 2016-11-15 16:32:40
  • Recommend 74 Recommend
  • Views 1236

I did put off writing this review because I thought this product was the cause for the one milia spot I developed near my eye. After figuring out it wasn't the reason why, I can now give my honest review.

I've been needing an eye cream for the longest time, I figure I'm in my 20s and it's better to get in the habit of using one now rather than later. After looking at the more affordable options, this eye cream had the most reviews and for the price versus the amount you get, I couldn't pass it up. Let me tell you, the tube is pretty big in person! If you own any COSRX products in the bottle, the tube of this eye cream is about as tall as them.

When you squeeze the product out it is a white cream that is thick in consistency. Once you pat it in the color goes away. I found it very easy to pat in to my skin and experienced no burning or tingling on the applied areas. The eye cream also contains no noticeable scent which is a big plus.

In my experience, this cream doesn't negatively affect the wear time or distrupt concealer/foundation that is applied over top. It leaves a matte canvas for makeup products to be used over.

I do have slight wrinkles in the corners of my eyes due to rubbing my eyes a lot (allergies) and I haven't noticed an improvement after two months. I do understand though that it does take time and you can't expect a major change right away. That being said it haven't noticed any new wrinkles either, I give this product the kudos for that. I have applied tiny amounts to my smile lines to see what would happen and strangely enough I did develop a pimple every now and then. I do use this on my neck and it works well with no problems.

If you are just getting into eye creams like myself and it's more of a preventive measure then this is a good starter cream to try. If you're looking for an eye cream to erase the wrinkles I don't think this will be the product for you but it doesn't hurt to try for the price.

Attachment rsz_20161113_184433.png , rsz_20161113_184500.png , rsz_20161113_184523.png
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