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ProducT Forum Details
Title Review: Black Tea
Posted by meowza (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-12-12 16:09:20
  • Recommend 16 Recommend
  • Views 538

I purchased this because I recently moved to a drier place, and with the winter weather my skin has been feeling very dry and dehydrated.

I was at first drawn to this product because of the packaging (it's so cute!), and I wanted a nice moisturizer. You get 100g of product, which is more than the other moisturizers I have purchased. So far, I haven't actually had to dip into the product yet since so little goes for such a long way that I've just been using the product that is on the small cover under the lid. It really does last, and you only need a small amount of product each time.

This has a gel consistency, and is quite sticky upon first application. After applying it all over my face and neck, I gently pat it into the skin which seems to help it dry down (get less sticky) and absorb into the skin. The small "pearls" are like jelly balls and easy to crush. After waking in the morning I can still feel that it's there, but it doesn't have a heavy feeling. It leaves my skin with a bouncy feeling after I wash it off, and I feel super refreshed. It's a really nice treat to look forward to after a long day.

The scent is difficult to describe: it doesn't really remind me of black tea. It smells more like glue/ceramic glaze. But, the smell is not overbearing and very light. It's not to my personal liking but perhaps some people may be fond of it.

I would definitely purchase the other "flavours" and try them in the future!~

Attachment bubble tea sleeping pack.jpg
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