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Title Another winner from Innisfree Skin Clinic Line
Posted by biancardi (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2015-12-15 21:52:40
  • Recommend 91 Recommend
  • Views 1335

Catechin is found in green tea 🌱🌱🌱and is an antioxidant and it will help prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are what keeps our skin smooth, firm, moist and youthful looking, and skin elasticity will decrease the older you get. I need to bathe in catechin. Skin Clinic are the latest in Innisfree's line of facial sheet masks and I picked up several of them to try. These do not contain alcohol, which I know that many people didn't care for in the It's Real line, but that never bothered me

Description: This fine delicate cotton mask with dual functional benefits contains anti-oxidants of catechin ☕☕to simultaneously resolve your skin tone and wrinkle concerns. It contains catechins that are found in green tea extract, which leaves the skin cleaner and firmer. Niacinamide and adenosine enhance complex skin troubles, including dull skin and wrinkles. 🎭🎭Catechin ~ this has the same bitter tonic water scent as the BHA mask I used the other night. It is a thin cotton mask, very translucent and is protected by the pearl paper, so it doesn't lose form and has support as you try to place this on your face. Once you remove the pearl paper, sit and wait. This isn't the most moist mask I have tried, but there is enough essence on the mask to make it adhere quite well to my face. This mask has excellent coverage on my face. After 30 minutes, I removed the mask ~ my face was moist and there was no residue or tackiness from the Catechin mask. It leaves almost a satin finish to my face and as I inspected my face with my mirror, I could see that my fine lines were plumped up from this mask. Of course, this is all temporary. So, despite the fact that these are not juicy masks, I do like how both this and the BHA masks have almost a mattifying effect on my skin, which as I have oily skin, this is a good thing.

Attachment skinclinic.catechin.jpg
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