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ProducT Forum Details
Title It's kinda like a gloss but more nourishing
Posted by chadawna (ip:)
  • Rate 3points  
  • Date 2016-02-20 17:35:41
  • Recommend 72 Recommend
  • Views 915

When I put this on my lips they are shiny, but this isn't the texture of a lip gloss, it's more like an oil formula. My lips tingle while I'm wearing it, but it isn't minty, so that isn't what makes my lips tingle. I checked the ingredients and it does seem to be mainly oils with some plant extracts. The hydration doesn't last long though, so it's still like a gloss in that it doesn't last long on your lips. I use this at night since it seems to work best then and I alternate days between this and a lip mask.

I have noticed since using this product along with the lip sleeping mask that I don't get peeling from my lips anymore. They can still get dry at times but after I use this it will soften and I use this during the day too when I remember to put it in my purse, otherwise I will use a lip balm. So this is an additional product that helps maintain soft lips that get damaged from wearing lipstick like I do. I like this and it is a small tube, but I don't use much of it at all. The texture of this is between a liquid and an oil, so it isn't sticky like a gloss at all. I do like that it provides a bit of UV protection too.

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