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Posted by tianmei5683 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2020-02-19 07:10:13
  • Recommend 2 Recommend
  • Views 609

I own the Laniege lip sleeping mask in Berry, the Laneige glowy lip balm, and now this. I have naturally dry lips and was looking for an intensely hydrating and mildly exfoliating lip mask and this Aritaum one does just that!! I love it more than the Laneige lip sleeping mask because it is sooooooo intensely soothing and hydrating. However, be warned that this will stay on for forever! Unlike the Laneige lip sleeping mask which stayed on my lips while I slept but was gone by the time I woke up, leaving my lips soft but not as hydrated as I wanted them to be, this Aritaum one stays sticky all throughout the night and when I wake up, it feels like I JUST applied the mask. It does transfer (like if you drink from a glass of water, it'll leave a sticky residue behind on the glass), but it doesn't move when you're sleeping. Honestly, even in the morning when I'm trying to scrub it off with water and a does not budge. I don't care because I can put the Laneige glowy lip balm or my lip tints on it and still manage to complete my makeup look well, but it may be an issue for those who want to be able to just wipe off a lip mask in the morning. It really does not move haha. The scent isn't that of ginger, but of sugar and citrus. I love the scent and wish it was much stronger than it was!! The scent fades away after the first sniff you take. I think the most impressive thing this mask has done for my lips is heal a massive cut (which was bleeding) overnight. The next morning, it was like the cut never even existed.

You also get way more product in here than in the Laneige lip sleeping mask! I went through my Laneige lip sleeping mask super quickly, but am using this one at a slower pace because a little product goes a looooong way.

However, if you don't want to deal with extreme stickiness, go with the Laneige one. If you don't mind that and want deeper hydration, go with this one!

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