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Title Irritates my skin. Strong smell
Posted by qisith0738211 (ip:)
  • Rate 2points  
  • Date 2020-06-16 02:06:36
  • Recommend 0 Recommend
  • Views 348
First, I love the fact that it has snail secretion filtrate, hyaluronic acid, niacinimide, pathenol, etc... it really brightens and tone my face.
However, it has such a high percentage of alcohol denat, which irritates and dries out my skin a lot! If you have really oily skin, it should fine. My skin gets irritated and stings after I use it. Also, the perfume smell is sooo overpowering. It feels like I’m applying perfume on my face.
I’m a bit disappointed that for the amount that I paid ($25), I was expecting A+ quality. Although it came in a big bottle I feel like the quality is okay. I’d like it better if there was no/ less alcohol denat and no perfume. Wished that I should’ve paid more attention to the ingredients before purchasing.
Also, the toner leaked out from the bottle inside the box when I received the package. I was disappointed by receiving a 1/4 empty bottle because it was soo darn expensive. I contacted Jolse and I’m still waiting for them to refund half of my money.
Although I can’t really use this on my face, I’ll use it on my body as a body toner. I’ve been applying this on my stomach, areas that were wrinkled after child birth. I saw some improvement, not major but I noticed that the skin was a bit tighter and the lose skin less visible.
I’d recommend this product to people only if you have super oily skin and you don’t mind perfume smell. It’s not good for sensitive skin/ dehydrated, dry skin. I have combination/ dry/ sensitive skin.
I’m really bummed out because its expensive and I really wanted this toner to work. Now I’ll have to shop for a new toner.
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No. Product Name Title Posted by Date Views
99230 DMCK Snail Toner 500ml Irritates my skin. Strong smell Popular message qisith0738211 2020-06-16 02:06:36 348

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