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Title love! ^^
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-03-22 07:20:44
  • Recommend 92 Recommend
  • Views 1435

After reading Heiley’s review on this product, I thought to try it since she liked it so much. It was relatively inexpensive, so I thought, why not? ^^

It was amusing when I first saw it when it arrived in the mail, as when I took it out of the box it was in a sealed plastic bag with some liquid soap essence in it. It didn’t look (or feel) like any other soap I’ve tried... it’s basically like a round, firm, squishy jelly ball in a fine netting material (a bit like cheesecloth). I kept the soap ball and the liquid soap in a ceramic jar with a lid, later on transferring it to a screw-top container. I think storing it this way will help it keep its moisture longer, since it shouldn’t dry out.

My first impression was WOW does it smell strong! As someone with sensitive skin, I was a little worried that my skin would freak out from the strong floral-ish perfume. Thankfully, it didn’t bother my skin at all, in fact, it seemed that my skin loved the soap! My skin did feel more moisturized, and I understood what Heiley meant in her review when she said she didn’t feel “skins pulling at each other”. I loved the soap so much that I kind of panicked when I was going to go on a trip a few days after I started using the soap and I didn’t want to be without it, even though I was concerned about the carry-on gel/liquid allowance for air travel. I made sure to have it with me despite the gel/liquid restrictions haha.

The soap stays as a lovely round ball for about a week or more, depending on how you use it, then I noticed first it sort of splits in half, then into smaller and smaller pieces. This is not really a problem in terms of its effectiveness, but it’s nice to have it as a ball. At about the 1-month mark of using it daily, it becomes pretty much like mushy jello in a bag, which is unavoidable, as you do have to kind of squish and roll it around in your hands to form a lather.

So this soap lasts about a month or a little over a month, but I think that’s pretty good. It would be nice if it lasted a little longer, but I do use it twice a day, so I think it’s a pretty good lifetime. I usually use this as a second cleansing, after I wash all of my makeup off with a stronger cleanser. I find this to be gentler in cleansing, but heavy on the moisturizing. I use this alone when washing my face in the morning, though. 

I really love this soap and will continue to repurchase.. I already have my third one! ;) 

Attachment Petitfee Soap 1.jpg , Petitfee Soap 2.jpg
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